Base64 decoder

Base64 decoder

A Base64 decoders is an online tool that reverses the process of Base64 encoding. It takes Base64-encoded text as input and converts it back into its original binary data format. Base64 encoding is used to convert binary data, such as images, audio files, or other types of data, into a text-based format that can be safely transmitted or stored in text-based contexts. The Base64 decoders essentially "decodes" the encoded text to retrieve the original binary data.

Here's how a Base64 decoder typically works:

  • Take the Base64-encoded text as input.
  • Divide the encoded text into groups of 4 characters each.
  • Convert each group of 4 characters back into 3 bytes of binary data.
  • If padding characters are present (usually "="), ignore them during decoding.
  • Combine the binary data from all the groups to reconstruct the original binary data.

The decoding process essentially undoes the steps that were performed during Base64 encoding. It retrieves the original binary data from the compact and safe-to-transmit Base64-encoded text.

Base64 decoders are useful when you need to convert Base64-encoded data back to its original binary format. This can be necessary when working with data that has been encoded using Base64, such as when receiving files over the internet, decoding data from APIs, or extracting binary attachments from email messages.

Many programming languages provide built-in functions or libraries to perform Base64 decoding operations. Additionally, there are online Base64 decoder tools available where you can input Base64-encoded text, and the tool will provide you with the decoded binary data.

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