XML Sitemap Generator

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That's when the URL was last changed. This data allows crawlers to skip over documents that haven't changed.
This number shows how often the content at a specific URL is probably going to change.
A URL's priority is based on how it relates to other pages on the same website.

XML Sitemap Generator

XML Sitemap Generator is a free online tool that will help you create an XML sitemaps for your website. XML sitemaps are files that provide information to search engines about the structure and content of a website. They list the URLs of a site's pages along with additional metadata such as the last modified date, the frequency of updates, and the priority of each page. This information helps search engines crawl and index the website more efficiently.

Key features and purposes of an XML Sitemap Generator tool include:

  1. Crawling Efficiency: Search engine bots use XML sitemaps to discover and index content on a website. By providing a comprehensive list of URLs and relevant metadata, the XML sitemap helps search engines understand the structure of the site and identify important pages.

  2. Faster Indexing: Having an XML sitemap can lead to faster indexing of new or updated content. Search engines can quickly identify changes on the site by referring to the sitemap, which can be particularly useful for large websites with frequent content updates.

  3. Prioritization and Frequency: The generator allows users to specify the priority and update frequency of each page. This information helps search engines prioritize crawling and indexing based on the importance and regularity of changes to different pages.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: XML Sitemap Generator tools typically provide a user-friendly interface where website owners can input their website URL and configure settings such as the inclusion or exclusion of specific pages, the maximum number of URLs per sitemap, and other preferences.

Having an XML sitemap is considered a best practice for SEO, as it facilitates better communication between the website and search engines. It's important to regularly update the XML sitemap to reflect changes in the site's structure and content. Popular content management systems (CMS) often have built-in features for generating and updating XML sitemaps, but standalone XML Sitemap Generator tools can be used for websites without such built-in functionality.

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