Convert IP range to CIDR

Convert IP range to CIDR notation

An IP range to CIDR converter is a free online tool that helps you convert a range of individual IP addresses into a CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation. CIDR notation is a compact way to represent IP address ranges and network prefixes, making it easier to manage and route IP addresses in networking.

When you have a range of IP addresses, such as a starting and ending address, and you want to express this range in CIDR notation, an IP range to CIDR converter can be helpful. It takes the first and the last IP addresses and calculates the most concise CIDR notation that encompasses all the addresses within that range.

For example, if you have a range of IP addresses from to, an IP range to CIDR converter would help you express this range in CIDR notation, which might be something like "" This notation indicates that the first 24 bits of the IP address are used for the network, and the remaining 8 bits are available for host addresses.

IP range to CIDR converters are valuable tools for network administrators and engineers, as they simplify the representation of IP address ranges, making it easier to configure and manage network routing and subnetting. These converters are available as online tools, command-line utilities, or integrated features within network management software.

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