CSS Box Shadow Generator


CSS Box Shadow Generator

CSS Box Shadow Generator is a free online tool designed to assist web developers and designers in creating CSS code for box shadows. The box-shadow property in CSS is used to add shadows to elements, providing a visual effect that can enhance the depth and separation of elements on a webpage.

A CSS Box Shadow Generator typically provides a user-friendly interface where you can interactively adjust various parameters of the box shadow, such as:

  1. Offset: The distance the shadow is offset from the element.
  2. Blur Radius: The amount of blur applied to the shadow.
  3. Spread Radius: The size of the shadow. A positive value expands the shadow, while a negative value contracts it.
  4. Color: The color of the shadow.

The tool includes a live preview so that you can see how changes to the parameters affect the appearance of the box shadow in real-time.

Once you've customized the shadow to your liking, the generator tool provides the corresponding CSS code that you can copy and paste into your stylesheet. Here's an example of what the generated CSS code might look like:

/* Example CSS for box shadow */ .element { box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888888; }

In this example:

  • 10px is the horizontal offset.
  • 10px is the vertical offset.
  • 5px is the blur radius.
  • #888888 is the shadow color.

Using a CSS Box Shadow Generator can save time and effort, especially when experimenting with different shadow effects. It ensures that the generated code is accurate and can be easily integrated into your web development projects.

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