HTML entity converter

HTML entity converter

An HTML entity converter is a tool that helps you convert special characters and symbols into their corresponding HTML entities. HTML entities are codes used to represent characters that might not be directly displayable or could conflict with HTML syntax. For example, the less-than symbol ("<") is represented as < in HTML entities.

HTML entity converters are particularly useful when you want to include special characters in your HTML code, but you want to ensure they are interpreted correctly by web browsers and won't break your HTML structure. Here are some examples:

  • Less-than Sign (<): <
  • Greater-than Sign (>): >
  • Ampersand (&): &
  • Double Quotation Marks ("): "
  • Single Quotation Mark ('): ' (not commonly used, as you can usually use single quotes directly in HTML)
  • Non-Breaking Space ():
  • Registered Trademark ():
  • Copyright Symbol ():
  • Em Dash ():
  • Bullet Point ():

Using HTML entities ensures that special characters are displayed correctly and that they don't interfere with the HTML structure or formatting.

Here's an example of how an HTML Encoder works:

Original Text: "<p>Welcome to <i>WayToLearnX!</i></p>"

Converted with HTML Entities: "<p>Welcome to <i>WayToLearnX!<i></p>"

Here's an example of how an HTML Decoder works:

Original Text: "<p>Welcome to <i>WayToLearnX!<i></p>"

Converted with HTML Entities: "<p>Welcome to <i>WayToLearnX!</i></p>"

Many text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) also offer built-in features to convert characters to HTML entities or provide plugins/extensions that can help with this task.

Using an HTML entity converter is especially important when dealing with user-generated content, as it helps prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities by ensuring that user input is properly sanitized before being displayed on a webpage.

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