Image to Data URI

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- or -

.gif, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .svg allowed. 5 MB maximum.

Convert Image to Data URI

Image to Data URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) converter is a free online tool that allows you to encode an image file into a Data URI scheme. A Data URI is a URI scheme that allows you to embed data directly into a web page or other document, typically in text form. When used with images, Data URIs encode the binary image data into a text-based format, allowing you to include images within HTML, CSS, or other text-based documents without the need for separate image files.

A Data URI for an image typically starts with the data:image prefix, followed by the image format (e.g., data:image/png for a PNG image), a comma, and the Base64-encoded image data.

Here's an example of a Data URI for a small image:



In this Data URI:

  • data:image/png specifies that it's a PNG image.
  • iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mP8DwAB/wAB/wAB/4jZf3QAAAAASUVORK5CYII= represents the Base64-encoded image data.

The advantages of using Data URIs for images include reducing the number of HTTP requests (since the image is embedded within the document), potentially improving page load times, and simplifying resource management.

Image to Data URI converters come in various forms, including online tools, libraries, and software applications. Users can provide an image file (e.g., in JPEG, PNG, GIF format), and the converter will generate the corresponding Data URI that can be used in HTML, CSS, or other web-related files.

Here's a simplified example of how you might use an Image to Data URI converter:

  • You have an image file named "image.png" that you want to include in an HTML document.
  • You use an Image to Data URI converter tool to encode the image file into a Data URI.
  • The converter generates the Data URI, which you can then use as the src attribute of an <img> tag or in your CSS.

By using Data URIs, you can reduce the number of external image requests, which can help improve website performance in some cases. However, it's essential to consider the trade-offs, such as the increased size of the HTML document when embedding images as Data URIs and the impact on caching and page load times.

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Image to Base64

Transform an image input to a Base64 string.

Data URI to Image

Convert Data URI into Image(png, jpeg, webp, gif, svg, ...) files.


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