Number to Roman Numerals

Number to Roman Numerals Conversion

Converting numbers to Roman numerals involves representing a numeric value using the symbols of the Roman numeral system. Here's a basic guide for converting numbers to Roman numerals:

Roman numerals use a combination of letters from the Latin alphabet to represent different values. The key symbols are:

  • I: 1
  • V: 5
  • X: 10
  • L: 50
  • C: 100
  • D: 500
  • M: 1000

To form a Roman numeral representation of a number, follow these steps:

  • Divide the number into its constituent place values (thousands, hundreds, tens, and units).
  • For each place value, construct the Roman numeral representation by using the appropriate symbols.
  • Combine the symbols from each place value to form the complete Roman numeral representation.

Here are some examples:

  • 1 is represented as I.
  • 9 is represented as IX (10 - 1).
  • 49 is represented as XLIX (50 - 10 + 1 - 10).
  • 106 is represented as CVI (100 + 5 + 1).
  • 3999 is represented as MMMCMXCIX (1000 + 1000 + 1000 - 100 + 100 - 10 + 10 - 1 + 10).

Keep in mind the subtraction rule: When a smaller number appears before a larger number, you subtract the smaller number. For example, IV represents 4 (5 - 1) and XC represents 90 (100 - 10).

Please note that there are specific rules and conventions in Roman numerals for avoiding repeating characters more than three times, for instance.

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